Friday, April 19, 2013

3rd May 1990 What a beautiful date. The meaning of number 3 in the bible is "fruitfulness" and 5 is the number of "Grace". So, what if 2 person shared the same birthday? Should i say fruitfulness of graces??? Roberth Hanstock, once said '23 people have slightly over 50% probability of 2 of them sharing the same birthday'. How about if it is in sabah,Malaysia? Should i say i am one of the few hundred thousand in this world were so blessed to have a girl that loveD me plus we shared the very same birthday. I wonder when we were born are we just beside to each other? Or how many hours that we left behind? Here are the answer, why do 3rd May sound so important to me. Living life like a star, maybe sun!? I am only a normal guy travelling with guitar who played praises to my king. To make the story short, i found a person who shared the same birthday with me on facebook. At our 1st time chatting, as if we were already best friend. After few time chatting we start sharing our importance like our cell phone number, and that's the day we started to be best friend. I use to joke with her 'if u stress as a nursing student, u can always come to me and be my nurse.' :) All of the sudden our band was invited to penang for a musical concert, after the concert done. Me and few friend stay at penang for about a week. So instead meeting her outside, we decided to meet in a church program at ipoh. But we were at the same bus to ipoh. During our 1st meeting. There is some one poked me softly, during that time i am buzy talking to a aunty and i dont really concern who the one poked me. After talking to the aunty, the girl poke me with another level of strength and i look to her with an anger faces, and she show me her cute face. From anger to funny moment!! Thats how we meet. After the whole program done, we manage to have dinner together before sending her back to hostel plus i manage to draw a cute cat on her face, as said seems like we were best friend. After sending her, we start to text to each other unstoppable. We talk till late at night and continue early in the morning. She text me during her class sometimes she called me during her class. Btw, i cant really write the whole picture but i can say, i really love her. I remembered i should be flying to Australia. Just because we fight, ive canceled my flight to Australia and get another ticket to penang and drive to perlis. Just wanna say i am sorry. The funny part of this relationship was she made me glad although i have to stay awake at lcct airport for me to buy my ticket to penang. But years ago, i got mad with her attitude of keep calling me while im on my recording for my album. After didnt answer her call she asked for break up, but it only last for 2 days and she call me back to talk about it. I believe i choose a bad move, i actually wanted to tell her that i need rest, but i told her i have another girl to make her feel down just the way i feel last 2 days she broke with me. But deep in me i am really sad, i am hoping that the recording should have done in few hours, so that i can call her and calm her down and tell her the truth. But the recording took me about 2 month to finish it up. Ive promised to the guy who played for my album 'i will not entertain any call till we done for today track'. After that 2 month i am afraid to call and tell her everything till today 19.4.2013 I am suffering for about years. Just wanted to ignore her. But yet what a kind hearted girl that still wish me new year, Christmas wishes, and the most unforgettable is our birthday. how would i forget her.? so after in years didnt contact her at last i choose to be down to earth, just to say hi and i do tell her i miss hanging out with her on a text. i have many more to type. but i need to rest ill be driving to Brunei to be continue! Ann if u read this one. pls don be CNN ok! tq

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