TALENT & CHARISMA can take you to the top! but only CHARACTER can keep you there!
Friday, October 31, 2008
come read this... pls ppl... we have to stand for 777 not 666....
Written By: Patrick H. Bellringer
Posted: 1/5/2004
by Patrick H. Bellringer
In "Christian" circles the "Bible" is known as the source of truth and the instruction book for right-living, as it is proclaimed to be the "inspired Word of God." In Satan’s circles the "Bible" is referred to by his troops as "Satan’s War Book" or his "Take the World" book, and that is precisely what Satan has done---and the "Mark of the Beast" is no exception.
For centuries people have had great apprehension and even fear concerning the mystical number "666" which, according to Biblical record, is the "Mark of the Beast." Quoting from Revelation: (13:16-18)
Also, it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom; let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.
At some point this "mark" was to become the controlling factor in one’s ability to survive economically or even physically on Earth Shan. Also, the "mark" was thought to carry the curse of God to the point of one even being cast into "Hell", itself. Quoting from Revelation: (14:9)
If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also shall drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured unmixed into the cup of his anger, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
The "Mark of the Beast" is another example of the "Lie". Most people quite readily believe whatever is written without any mental effort made to "check it out". What is the historical meaning behind the number "666"? Long ago a numbering system was established called the Roman Numeral System. In that system 666 is deciphered as VI VI VI. In the Latin language this refers directly to : Vini, Vidi, Vinci. These words have the distinct meaning of: "I came, I saw, I conquered". The Latin word "Vini", has been since re-spelled as "Veni". Thus, the abbreviation of Vini(Veni), Vidi, Vinci, is VI VI VI or 666. This number also appears on the front or forehead of the Pope’s Babylonian hat band as testimony that he, indeed, is the present Emperor of Rome. This places the Pope into the direct line from Julius Caesar, who by the way, was a Pope prior to the birth of "Jesus"---from 100 B.C. to 44 B.C.
In spite of the resistance in the "Christian" arena to the "Mark of the Beast" being placed on a person, most people have already accepted such a "mark". United States law presently requires that everyone be assigned a social security number at birth. That number is used widely for tracking and identification purposes by the "system". The problem of social security cards and even numbers being lost or stolen has given rise to using invisible tattoos as a more convenient way of numbering people. It is interesting to note that now each I.D. includes the number 666 along with the social security number, just like the "good book" said.
We are also being told that the One World Order plans a World Bank and a "cashless" society. The world would operate totally on an electronic money system. To accommodate this system pilot projects have already been done in several states in which a microchip of stored data about the person was placed in the back of the hand or in the forehead. This microchip can be read by a scanner as you enter or leave a building. By passing your hand over a scanner at a check-out counter you may charge your purchases to either your bank account or credit system very efficiently with no muss or fuss. At some point the plan is to have "absolute" control so that people can not buy or sell without an implanted I.D. microchip.
The "Christian Cult Churches" teach the Satanic Revelation prophecy, that by taking the "Mark of the Beast" you are condemning yourself to Hell and eternal destruction. This is nonsense! Satan’s "Mark of the Beast" number is just another way for Satan to panic the people. No Satan or Cult or any number or any beast can condemn anyone to "Hell". Based upon our own deeds we judge and condemn ourselves to our next pathway of soul perfection, be it another earth experience or "Heaven" or "Hell". To become paranoid over having a number attached in some fashion to your physical body is just another Satanic "trick"---as part of the "Lie". Satan has done a very good job through the "churches" of mind-control teachings so that "Christian" people fear the "Mark of the Beast". The "trick" is that those who refuse to take the "Mark of the Beast", immediately identify themselves as trouble-makers opposed to the system. This is a deliberate plan for people to sort themselves out and be numbered among the rebellious ones.
We must not fall into this trap! A ridiculous number is not going to hurt our soul. No one can condemn our soul to hell except ourselves. A silly mark on our body has nothing to do with the destiny of our soul. This is the "Lie"---and therein lies the "trick".
To win, there are times when we must not stand out in the crowd. We must learn to work quietly with Truth within the system to rebuild on solid rock. Through wisdom we must learn when to "take a stand" and when to play low key". The "numbers game" is not worth the risk of physical death. Satan always tears down. He cannot build or create anything.
As human beings created by God, we already have been marked by God long before we came to Earth. We have a fragment of God’s Spirit within us which we call our soul. God has already given to us a divine number as His creations, and those who are now pilgrims of the "Lighted Pathway", also, have their names entered in God’s "Book of Life". So, Satan’s "Mark of the Beast" numbers of 666 or whatever, are really "no big deal"!
The "Mark of the Beast" connotes also a system of numbers in which the assigned values carry meanings which influence the way people think. The word "mark" when used in the expression of "leaving one’s mark" means leaving an impression as an effect on another’s mind or in his way of thinking. Mark may also mean influence or power over men or things.
The "Bible" indicates that 6 is the number of man and/or Satan(666). Using the English Alphabet and the Babylonian numbering system (system numbering by six) and assigning "man’s" number "6" to the first letter "A"" of man’s alphabet, a system has been constructed by giving each succeeding letter an increasing value of six. For example:
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78
84 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156
In this "system" certain numbers carry a certain meaning. The number "3" is a neutral number, so that, depending upon how it is used, it may have either a good or an evil connotation. The number "6" is the number of man(Satan) and is a negative or evil number. The "flip-side" of "6" is "9" thus, "9" is a positive number of things that are good.
We said earlier that a "mark" may influence the way we think. One such "mark" in our society is the dictionary. The dictionary tells us the meaning of words, and the author tells us what he wants us to believe concerning the meaning of the words in our language. The most commonly used English dictionary today is Webster’s Dictionary. Let us tally the value of the letters in the name "Webster’s". (W-138, E-30, B-12, S-114, S-114, T-120, E-30, R-108, S-114). We arrive at "666" the "Mark of the Beast"! We accept "Webster’s" word definitions and place them in our minds in the frontal lobe of our brain or forehead and we carry our "Webster’s" dictionary in our hand as a constant reference to verify the meaning of given words. And so we have the "Mark of the Beast" in our forehead and in our hand. How clever! This would appear to be a part of the "beast" system. Is Webster’s the person who is revealed as "The Beast" in the "Bible" in Revelation?
Maybe there is another person in today’s prophecies that is more evil than Webster’s! Let us try one, Kissinger (Henry). (K-66, I-54, S-114, S-114, I-54, N-84, G-42, E-30, R-108) Surprise! Our total again is "666"! Does Kissinger have such world-wide influence over world leaders that he is the "Beast" of Revelation? Judging by his actions with the One World Order controllers, Kissinger, too, appears to be a part of the "Beast" system.
In this number system described above some negative words are:
Hate 240 = 6
Rape 240 = 6
Satan 330 = 6
Murder 474 = 15 = 6
Pope 312 = 6
Lord 294 = 15 = 6
Vatican 420 = 6
Catholic 870 = 15 = 6
Jesus Christ 906 = 15 = 6
Yahuweh 546 = 15 = 6
Equity Law 582 = 15 = 6
United States 942 = 15 = 6
District of Columbia 1194 = 15 = 6
D.C. 42 = = 6
Webster’s Dictionary 1374 = 15 = 6
Baptist Church 888 = 24 = 6
Lutheran Church 960 = 15 = 6
United Methodist Church 1482 = 15 = 6
United Presbyterian Church 1716 = 15 = 6
The Church of Rome 996 = 24 = 6
The Vicar of Christ (Pope) 1104 = 6
Church 336 = 15 = 6
Some positive words are:
Love 324 = 9
Peace 180 = 9
Kindness 720 = 9
Truth 522 = 9
Law 216 = 9
Holy 360 = 9
Holy Law 576 = 18 = 9
Common Law Court 1116 = 9
Strong’s Concordance 1242 = 9
God-Spirit 702 = 9
United States of America 1368 = 18 = 9
Some neutral terms which vary according to their usage are:
Joy 300 = 3 (What?)
Hope 264 = 12 = 3 (What?)
Kill 264 = 12 = 3 (Kill what?)
God 156 = 12 = 3 (Which God?)
Jesus 444 = 12 = 3 (Who?)
Christ 462 = 12 = 3 (Who?)
Lucifer 444 = 12 = 3 (Who?)
Yahshua(God) 498 = 21 = 3 (Who?)
It should be noted that some words do not "fit" the pattern of this system. This is true because definitions, usage, and even spellings may vary greatly. Also, this is man’s system and does not have perfection.
Satan always has a counterfeit for everything that is good. For instance to find the definition of "Bible" words in Webster’s Dictionary will render a very different meaning than that of Strong’s "Bible" Concordance. Note that the words, Webster’s Dictionary rate a "6" (negative) while Strong’s Concordance rates a "9" (positive). Jesus and Christ separately each rate a "3" but put together to denote a specific entity which is not his name at all---Jesus Christ---they rate a "6" (negative). "God" is a neutral "3". Webster’s words for "God"(Yahuweh) rates a "6" as does "Lord", but the Strong’s Concordance definition for God(Yahshua) rates a "3". The name is wrong. The proper name is Lord God(Yahshua) which then rates a "9". If you accept Webster’s definition for Biblical words, then you accept the "Mark of the Beast"!
Let us take another example. Why is it that D.C., the District of Columbia and the United States all rate a "6"? Looking further we find that the United States of America rates a "9". Why should one name, the United States, have a negative connotation while the name, The United States of America has a positive connotation? This is quite simple.
Most people are unaware that the District of Columbia(D.C.) from its inception has been a foreign corporation, which is chartered in London, England under the Crown of England. The term United States is another name for the same foreign corporation of the District of Columbia. This entity is a Satanic counterfeit government which has very skillfully set aside our original national Constitution and Bill of Rights and the legal government of the United States of America. One government is negative while the other government is positive. One is evil while the other is good. This secret United States is part of the "Beast" system described in Revelation 13. The U.S. is another "Mark of the Beast"!
Before we leave this "numbers game", I would suggest that in the Babylonian number system by turning the three six’s (666) up-side-down, they become three nines (999). Remember, that in this same system, a nine is a very good number, indeed! Marks of the Beast are everywhere. Satan, as the Anti-Christ, has placed his "mark" on all that is evil and against God. The "Beast" is the personification of Satan in those who have given their "will" over to Satan. They have become a part of the "Beast" system and carry his "mark".
Those who walk the Lighted Pathway of the Lighted Realms of Creator/God need not fear any "Marks of the Beast". They have already been "stamped" with the victory stamp of Creator/God---which no one can erase!
--The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at--http://www.fourwinds10.com
--The Bellringer Writings are at--http://www.fourwinds10.com
--The Spectrum Newspaper is at--http://www.spectrumnews10.com or toll free (877) 280-2866
--For bound copies of the Phoenix Journals, most can be obtained from--
Phoenix Source Distributors: toll free (800) 800-5565
Posted by: Lisa Marie Storm
Contributing Editor for Paranormalnews.com
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The U in JesUs
God even stuck U in the name of His Son.
And each time U pray, you'll see it's true
You can't spell out JesUs and not include U.
You're a pretty big part of His wonderful name,
For U, He was born; that's why He came.
And His great love for U is the reason He died.
It even takes U to spell crUcified.
Isn't it thrilling and splendidly grand
He rose from the dead, with U in His plan?
The stones split away, the gold trUmpet blew,
and this word resUrrection is spelled with a U.
When JesUs left earth at His upward ascension,
He felt there was one thing He just had to mention.
"Go into the world and tell them it's true
That I love them all - Just like I love U."
So many great people are spelled with a U,
Don't they have a right to know JesUs too?
It all depends now on what U will do,
He'd like them to know,
But it all starts with U.
Fire & Ice
One brings heat, other is in absorption
of that thing which brings vibration within,
then the potential to move becomes thin.
A colder ice tends to absorb more heat
from something hotter though not every bit.
When it envelops, chances become less
for something hotter found in its wholeness.
Pressure can help, not if there is less heat,
Especially inside a certain sheet.
A sheet of thick ice, unless there is force,
A force so great that shatters it to scores.
Many doubt the outside is existing,
when in fact they are hallucinating.
Numbed by the cold their vision is tainted
by mere illusions their mind has granted.
They know little about the Light outside,
The One that serves to the dark world a guide.
Lord, let Your axe of grace shatter the ice!
That they may tremble & be in surprise!
That will bring them to genuine repentance!
Were I to love myself
Then how could I love you?
How could I be reminded that I am replacing what is true?
A love so pure and shameless
From a Sacrafice so rich and blameless
And go running after everything that will never cease to change
Try to sate eternal hunger
And fill my heart with wonder
From a world so dark and blackened
That I can't help but wonder what happened to this nation that pledges "Under God"
When all the world is turning
In my sin I am still burning
Running after everything that will never cease to change
Dear God please come and save me
In thy loving care arrange me
Let me never want for less than what thy grace has put in store
Let me be guarded by your angels
And be clothed in all your grace
Let my heartbeat sing your praises
And my breathing chant thy name
Let me wear thy love as a garment
And thy wisdom as pearls
Let your majesty crown my head
Let thy holiness surround me
Let thy humbleness abound in me
And let my innocence be returned to me
That I might be made clean
God is a Mystery
It's a heart of a king to search him out
Who dears go looking
Who wants to find where he is
He is a mystery that will always be unsolved
No one will be able to figure him out
Its one little book
That's full of his words
Full of his Thoughts
Full of his Power
Full of his love
It's stood through out the ages of time
Waiting for someone to unlock its mysteries
Fools have searched it out, and found nothing by lies in there own eye's
Remember it's the heart of a King where matters are reveled
Who is it that finds the key to open the door of this great mystery?
Only to find on the other side, a million more doors to explore
I have diced; no I have committed to waste my life
I waste my life, running to every locked door to find its key
And to reveal its great mystery
So many more doors to open
I feel like neo, down the hall ways of doors
So enemy inside, life fleeting away, so dead
I need to get behind to other side of these doors
I need life, I need Wisdom, I need Love,
I need Revelation, I need your power, I need you
Because we where never meant to stay in the hallway of doors
To return to doors that have already been unlocked
People have stayed and lived in this hallway
They set up camp and never left
They are dying inside and out
They have figured God out
Just thinking
Of nothing
My ears ring
I thought i could hear myself thinking before...
But now its not there anymore
Confused and atrophying...
No more reason to live
Wasting away
Snap back to reality
I've drifted again
In this beautiful music
That carries away my soul
Crying out for mercy
This awful thudding of my blood
Pounding in my ears
Trying desparetly to get out
In this beautiful music
That swallows me whole
Leaning on the side
Holding onto this thin rope
Called sanity
In this beautiful music
Called silence
Looking up
It doesn?t matter who you can be
You will always be looking up
While you will be looking down
If your famous, or not
Someone?s looking up at you
And you?re looking up someone else
You?re a leader, but you?re also a follower
Your inspiration comes from many
You admire people from afar
And many admire you
Many people have developed you over time
Countless hours, spending time
He has made you ready to be one for people to look up to you
No matter how high you get
You will always be looking up
Your wisdom is great
Your revelation is awesome
It?s his power that you seek
But more important his Face
But it?s hard to maintain
Once you decide that you?re good enough
But we know that?s not the case
A pure heart, a simple mind
But they confound the wise
Looking up, putting effort into it
Just so you can reach the next level
Lead us and show us the way
Because when I know I am following you
You have showed us the way
One day I hope to be like you in many ways
Right now I am looking up at you
But one day when I reach the level
I don?t want to be looking up or looking down
I hope to be on the same playing fields as you
Eye to eye is want I want to see
Reaching the destiny of the church
To see his Kingdom come
When Heaven invades Earth
To Set A Heart On Fire
Can you fathom what this means?
The reason why I live and breathe?
I would cause a ruckus if it meant
I could show you truth
Lived out in honesty and not babbled
out through empty words of fools
Would you take this from sea to shining sea?
If you knew the broken girl in GA
could be whole again
That the cutter in line behind you at the store
had no more wounds to mend
My heart says yes
I'll help the suffering widow
Dinner is at 7, come to my table
Child why are you crying?
Come to me. Wipe those tears
From your burdens, be free
My heart is set
on fire
for the passion
of serving
those in need
Let me burn within
Until I'm six feet deep
why me
this dark cloud that’s hanging over me
it wasn’t supposed to be like this
i just wanted to make a difference
i’m waiting for my time to come
it passes slow but i’m quickly losing hope
why me, why me
why me, why me
the crowd is large and loud in calling out my name
to mock me or support me and my claims
who is this man who doesn’t say a word
but He’s speaking louder than anything i’ve ever heard
it’s bittersweet to be the outside
for His image stays clear on my mind
why me, a murderer like me?
now He’s paying the price of my penalty
i’m standing here where the shadows meet the shade
the darkness obscures everything
except this chance to live and be free
double grace portioned unto me
rejoice with me, rejoice with me
and He gave His life for me
took my place there on the tree
innocent yet He did it anyway
and now i’m here to live another day
rejoice with me, rejoice with me
rejoice with me in this, in this victory
but why me, a murderer like me
tempest of life
Where tempest begins to wail and blow
Wind lashing at my face feeling i've no where to go
Rain mixes with tears falling into pools on the ground below
I cry out loud why this pain and woe?
I hear a still small voice in the midst of it all
Saying "I've brought you here, to learn, to learn about it all!"
Thank me for the storms of life and when the tempest blows
Thank me for the rain and tears that pool on the ground below
Thank me for the pain you feel and all of the woe
For in thanking me you will find that you will begin to grow
I am always here, for that you must know
For in the pain and suffering we share,
You must know, that I will never leave nor forsake you
And will never let you go
I will walk this life with you all the way to the end
You must first accept and trust me and to take my hand
For that is the only way that you will make it through to heaven's end
Let us walk together through all the storms of life, finally ending it crossing to a heavenly life.
You Alone
What am I afraid of?
Giants in this place
Encompass my every space
But I won't take their word for it
When they say I'm alone
I find refuge under your sovereignty
Awaiting me to call for You
I've been given a second chance
Will I capture the moment or just take
a real quick glance?
I want to graduate from the minor leagues
Not be known for what I can't do,
but for what I can achieve
You alone are love
I'm stepping on giants
I'm not afraid of
Let Go And Let God
Have you ever come to a point
and thought to yourself
just a bit more
and you'll soon see the light
In the pitch darkness
you cry out loud to the all four walls
yet all you get was just silence
you pressed on still just trying to get a glimpse of light
Tears flow down the side of your cheeks
the only thing you ever felt warm on you
your heart grew cold
your mind only ever thought that what you did was wrong
Alone in the deafening silence
alone in the blinding darkness
who could you turn to
who would even listen
All of a sudden you thought of Him
someone you don’t even know who really existed
in your memory
He was just a Man
A man someone in your class called friend
A man your parents called their Lord Saviour
A man who had Christmas as a birthday day
A man you know who hung on the cross
In the longing for a ear
in the longing for a shoulder
won't you just call out to Him
Jesus, Someone who is always there
A son of God
Who walks the earth
Touching lives of many
Who finally shed His blood for eternity
Many Many years later
this covenant still stands through
He died on the cross
for your sins and mine
Diseases and infirmities
He took with Him
setting free the oppressed
He opened us to Him
Would you have called out to Him earlier
if you truly know He is your Saviour
Nothing you've done He would not forgive
when you really believe
His love will warm up your heart
His hand will pick you up
Let go of all pain n guilt
and in Him you'll be new once again
The satelite
To him this was better than going out and getting drunk with friends for he feels such great belonging by just feasting upon the sky and its billions of fireflies of stars. He feels connection and in a strange way he feels a sense of friendship without the need of touch and words to confirm it. He loves the way they are high up above and him below looking up.
He thought them to be great men of the past who shape the history of men. He also thought of them as woman of whom he had crushed on but none of them filled his heart with desire to rightfully put his heart and eyes to the particular star…until he saw a strange light moving. He looked at it with bewilderment but with passion. The man became nervous to the unknown light that was moving and he felt his heart beating fast. He doesn't know why.
Few nights had passed the strange light didn't pass. He thought the strange light to be a sort of light of don't-know-what. It was something beautiful to him and bright. He wanted to name the moving light but couldn't come up with anything to name it. He waited for the perfect words to come out of his mouth but none. He lay in the grass and the breeze of night brought words to him, indescribable words to men but not to him—just the breeze of thin air passing through the field. He understood the words pretty well and it says, "Just wait and be patient. She will come again. And she has a name." The man was hopeful.
Few nights had passed he waited until one night and there…it came again. He smiled and stares at it with joy and passion. How it moved with grace and beauty that he was drawn upon and taken in. How is heart raced and all of a sudden while being drawn upon by the strange light an unknown words came out from his mouth in a silent whisper, Satellite. He said it again, and again and again. It was no longer a strange light moving, it was a Satellite. He fell for the satellite and it became the object of his desire and inspiration.
Suddenly the Satellite stopped in the middle of its journey it as if she was aware of his presence, his feelings and his thoughts. It moved again, and then it stopped when he called her name, and this time what's in his heart was something he didn't expect to feel so soon. Love. It stopped for a very long time and he himself was quiet but excited. He felt the satellite was looking down at him it as if their eyes met.
Then it moved and never stopped until it vanished to the northern sky.
He wondered restlessly through the night of why it stopped. A crazy thought fell into his mind that the stars (or women) told her that he had been looking up and never desired any of them. He laughs at the thought but couldn't stop thinking about her.
Unexpectedly the she came by again the next night. And this time, it was moving slowly and it seemed to dance. The man stood up, prepared his arms and legs, closed his eyes and danced along with her gracefully. And suddenly he felt a pressure of warm air locked on both of his hands and his body. He was engulfed by warm air and to the man it felt like he was literally dancing with her with his eyes closed and he felt a warm kiss on his mouth. Such imagination but inside it was real to him more than anything. And she whispered to him in words he clearly knew and understood just like he understood the whisper of the breeze. She whispered to him in a sad and sweet tone but without hint of hesitation,
"Don't wait for me. Don't wait for me here to pass by. I've seen you in this time of night many a times. Sleep and go slide into your childhood dreams. Avert your eyes from me and let me pass by with ease because your the sweetest distraction of my journey. Let me be in this journey that I embark alone but stay where you're at in this field of green grass and don't follow me."
The man responded with eyes closed,
"How soon will you come down and dance with me again? How soon will your journey ends? Stay with me. You don't have to go through this alone. We'll journey together because I—"
His phone rang and blindly searched for the phone and was annoyed by the sound that the minute he held it he threw it through the open window without realizing what he threw. He just threw a used Nokia N70 import from Europe to the window. He heard the crashing sound of his phone and swore from the top of his lungs and regrets throwing it. He made an effort to go to the window and see his probably already destroyed phone. He went back to bed for a while and he felt a moist in his hands and mouth and realized it was all a dream. He stared blankly at the ceiling trying to recollect the dream and slip through the sheets and made an effort to sleep to dream again and hoping to pick where the dream had left off but couldn't go back to sleep to dream. Swore again and searched his iPod turned on a shuffle mode and an unexpected song played, "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" by Bob Dylan. He thought to himself that the title was just perfect as he thought of the dream. He knew what the dream meant; he knew what that Satellite was whispering to him. He knew so well that it hurt him. His mind wandered off with the dream. He thought how everything started just like a story in a book. It was everybody's story but he felt like they owned the story and they alone wrote it and written by two writers but different view of plotlines. He thought that everything in its right place but in a wrong time. He blamed Time, he blamed Fate that he didn't even believe, blamed the things that has yet to be named to be blamed if he knew what, but for the most part he blamed himself for telling the truth so soon. But he couldn't blame himself for one thing, his feelings. This sense of belonging with her is too strong for him to resist and he was willing to shape himself just to fit and be one with the puzzle. He perfectly fitted right in to a place where she wants him to be but there was a place in her heart where she couldn't fit him just right.
To him, the Satellite was something beautiful, something rare, something to be pursued, something to be loved, something to be protected, and something to be looked up from down below. But he knew all he can do is to let it pass by like satellite gazer. He knew all he can do is lay in the field of green grass and watch it pass by. He knew he had to be a innocent child again to let go of the white dove and be free from things, from the grips of his hands, from his mind, from his heart. He liked the bird too much too soon but the child knew deep inside what he had to do the moment he held it in his hands as he softly caressed its soft white feathers but doesn't have the courage and heart to do what he had to do. But now the man in him does. The child in him now has the courage to free the white dove off his hands.
NOTE: This is my first success--or not, short story. Took me the whole night to finish the story along with its editing, etc.--and I'm still editing. Whew! The story is fiction and used Satellite as metaphor--for the most part it's all metaphor for something be it an object, person, symbol or something else, be it as you want it to be. Your interpretation is yours alone.
Monday, October 20, 2008
PANAS,Lembab, dan Tekanan.
Sebelum saya menceritakan atau memberi testimony saya. Saya mengajak saudara/ saudari membuka alkitab mu,
kejadian 37.. Adapun Yakub, ia diam di negeri penumpangan ayahnya, yakni di tanah Kanaan. Inilah riwayat keturunan Yakub. Yusuf, tatkala berumur tujuh belas tahun--jadi masih muda (ada yang muda yang membaca Blog saya? SAYA YANG PALING MUDA!!kalau kamu tdak berani mengaku anda muda maka saudara/saudari menganggap kamu DAH TUA.. kita boleh anggap kita ini muda walau berapa pun usia kita..AMEN!!)
--biasa menggembalakan kambing domba (ada yang mengembala kambing domba kamu yang membaca blog saya ?),
bersama-sama dengan saudara-saudaranya, anak-anak Bilha dan Zilpa, kedua isteri ayahnya. Dan Yusuf menyampaikan kepada ayahnya kabar tentang kejahatan saudara-saudaranyaIsrael lebih mengasihi Yusuf dari semua anaknya yang lain, sebab Yusuf itulah anaknya yang lahir pada masa tuanya; dan ia menyuruh membuat jubah yang maha indah bagi dia. Setelah dilihat oleh saudara-saudaranya, bahwa ayahnya lebih mengasihi Yusuf dari semua saudaranya, maka bencilah mereka itu kepadanya dan tidak mau menyapanya dengan ramah. Pada suatu kali bermimpilah Yusuf, lalu mimpinya itu diceritakannya kepada saudara-saudaranya; sebab itulah mereka lebih benci lagi kepadanya.
Pada blog ini, saya ingin mengajar saudara/saudari dari kehidupan Yusuf dan pada blog2 yang akan dating kita akan mempelajari tentang Yusup. Sebeb diri saya sendiri telah banyak belajar dari Yusuf.
Yusuf dikatakan oleh alkitab, pada waktu dia masi muda Tuhan memberikan dia mimpi. Tetapi apa yang kita tahu dari kejadian, setelah dia diberi mimpi kehidupannya bukan makin senang, malah menjadi lebih susah. Pelik kan? Hidup nya sepatut menjadi mudah sebab dia di beri mimpi yang besar oleh Tuhan, tetapi lain yang jadi dalam kehidupannya. Dia lebih di benci. Kalau saudara membaca dari dia di beri mimpi, hidupnya bukan kelihatan bertambah baik, tetapi bertambah buruk. Dari anak yang di kasihi, mendapat baju yang khas (baju khas) juba yang bagus. Alkitab berkata dia makin dibenci oleh saudaranya dan dia di tangkap dan di lempar ke semur (kamu tahu ceritanya?) dia mahu dibunuh. Kemudian salah seorang kakaknya mengatakan Jangan, buat apa dibunuh, dijual saja. (siapa yang pernah dijual oleh ahli keluarga kamu, perna dikhinati oleh saudara sendiri seturuk Yusuf? Kamu lebih beruntung dari Yusuf) Yusuf di khianati oleh saudara sendirinya. Setelah Yusuf dijual, dia menjadi orang gaji (bahasa Indonesia is BUDAK) kepada rumah tangga orang lain. Dia di perjual beli kan, dan dia di katakana berkerja dengan keluarga yang kaya di negeri asing, nama nya Potifar, Yusuf baru berkerja tidak berapa lama, isteri Potifar ada hati denga yusuf. (INDONESEA: isteri potefar berasa senang sama Yusuf) Sebab Yusuf gagah orang nya. Lalu yusuf digoda oleh oleh isteri Potefar. Tetapi Yusuf menolah. Alkitab berkata Yusuf kemudian di fitnah oleh isteri Potefar lalu yusuf di tangkap dan dimasukkan ke penjara.
(saudara, kalau kamu mendapat mimpi dari tuhan pelik kan? Hidup saudara bukan menjadi lebih baik, malah menjadi lebih teruk.) di penjara Yusuf bertahan, berjuang, menolong orang dalam penjara malah dia masi dilupakan.
Pada kali ini saudara membaca blog saya ada lah sambungan blog yang sebelum ini. Pada kali ini, saya memberi tajuk PANAS, LEMBAB, TEKANAN saya menulis tajuk ini kerana ada sesuatu yang patut dipelajari oleh saudara/saudari sekalian, mungkin selepas saudara membaca blog saya yang berjudul MIMPI Tetapi saudara tidak perna tahu bagaimana untuk mengerjakannya. Malah itu menyebabkan hidup saudara tidak menjadi lebih baik, maka lebih susah. Dan kita bertanya, di mana janji-janji mu TUHAN??untuk mimpi yang TUHAN taruh di dalam hati saudara yang boleh bertumbuh, kita akan diperhadapkan kepada PANAS.untuk benih yang boleh bertumbuh, saat benih sudah ditanamkan dalam tanah ia harusla di panaskan, dan kena tekanan. Alkitab berkata orang benar akan bertumbuh seperti pohon kurma. Tahu ka saudara, bahawa pohon kurma di tekan dari atas agar dia tidak tumbuh ke atas tetapi dia tumbuh ke bawah, sehinggalah akarnya menjumpai mata air, dan dia akan minum dari sumber mata air itu, kemudian dia akan bertumbuh denag sebur sekali. Setelah dia kuat tekanan yang ada di atas tidak akan dapat untuk menahan dia…saya selalu katakana. Kepada rakan-rakan saya di sekolah, bahawa jika kita adalah benih yang baik, benih yang berpotensi tinggi, janagn lah kita takut untuk diperhadapkan oleh panas, dan jangan takut diperhadapkan oleh tekanan. Sebab panas dan tekanan akan membuat kita berkembang, seperti POP CORN. Pop corn, jagung itu diperhadapkan oleh panas dan tekanan, jaka panas dan tekanan itu kurang maka popcorn itu tdak akanmengembang malah menjadi keras, tetapi jika panas, tekanan sahaja tidak cukp, ia perlu kelembapan, dia perlu air supaya ia tidak menjadi hangus. Ada banyak orang menghadai tekanan dalam hidup, dan diperhadapkan kepada panas dalam kehidupan. Mereka ingin berkembang, tetapi mereka kehabisan air di dalam kehidupan mereka. Akibat nya mereka hangus! Kita perlu kombinasi yang seimbang di antara PANAS, LEMBAB, DAN TEKANAN di dalam diri kita supaya kita dapat bertumbuh.
Alkitab mencatat kelembapan atau embun di pagi hari seperti kehadiran Tuhan yang ada dalam kehidupan kita. Saya masi ingat semasa Yesus berbicara dengan Perempuan samaria di pingkir perigi (semur) Yesus berbilang bergini. Kalau kamu minum air ini kamu akan haus lagi tetapi kalau engkau minum dari air yang di beri dari Saya, kamu tidak akan haus lagi. Kalau saudara ingin mimpi mu bertumbuh menjadi sesuatu yang besar, kalau saudara mahu benih dalam hidup mu menjadi pohon yang besar sehingga banyak burung dapat bersarang dan berlindung di bawahnya. Saudara tidak dapat mengatakan tidak kecuali saudara berani di perhadapkan oleh panasnya, tekanannya,kelembapannya.
Dalam perkawinan, jika saudara tidak tahan diperhadapkan oleh panas, kita akan membawa diri dari pasanagn kita, alkitab berkata Amsal 27:17 besi menajam kan besi, manusia menajam kan sesamanya. ( AMEN!?) kalau kita menggosok tangan kita secara atas kebawah dan bawah keatas, apa kan akan muncul? Yang muncul adalah panas. Tetapi jika kita tidak tahan dengan kepanasan tersebut lalu kita menjarakkan tangan kita. Dan membuat perkara yang sama.. maka panas itu tdak akan wujud… Cuma panas yang dapat membuat kita tajam semasa kita bergesekan. Dalam pernikahan kamu, suami atau pun isteri inag la ini baij-baik kalau kamu tidak tahan panas, lalu mundur, pernikahan mu tidak akan menjadi tajam. Mana ada penikahan yang tidak ada gesekan? Kalau kamu tidak tahan dengan gesekan maka pernikahan atau perkawinan kamu tidak akan menjadi tajam
Di gereja ada geseran? Di perkerjaan ada gesekan? Di kota ada gesekan? Semua ada.
DI TEMPAT PARKING ADA GESEKAN? ADA!!!!kalau saudara tidak tahan gesekan ini akan berlaku, parking baru sahaja diambil oleh orang lain, lalu kita menjerit-jerit (hah!!!! Kamu ambil parking saya) kerana saudara tidak dapat menahan panas. (AMEN!!!) panas perludatang dalam hidup manusia untuk membentuk kita. Samajuga seperti tekanan.
YUSUF sejak waktu muda nya. Dia di perhadapkan dengan panas, tekanan. Tapi semakin panas itu datang, semakin tekanan itu datang, semakin dia menjadi peribadi yang Tuhan ingin kan. Dia tidak takut masuk penjara, dia tidak takut mengalami masaalah, dia tidak takut dikhianati oleh saudaranya. Bahkan alkitab berkata semakin susah dan semakin sulit kehidupannya.. agar Tuhan menaru mimpi dalam kehidupan mu, dalam kerja mu, sekolah mu, dan feature kamu.. ada orang yang tidak pernah mempercayai Tuhan? Ya salah seorang yang tidak mempercayai tuhan ialah saya Miguel.. tsaya tidak perna mempunyai mimpi seperti ini. Untuk menulis khabar-khabar baik untuk kamu semua. Tetapi pada 5 tahun yang lalu Tuhan telah menaru mimpi dalam hidup saya. To tell the great news of His.. GOD tell me 1 day. I will bring you to tell the nation. Dan memberkati banyak orang. Tuhan yang menaru mimpi itu, dia yang menanam benih itu ke hati saya. Apa yang saya kata kan pada ketika ini bukan dari kepintaran saya sendiri tetapi Tuhan yang menaru Mimpi itu. Mimpi dari Tuhan dapat mengubah hidup kamu. Tetapi hidup saudara tidak akan menjadi lebih muda. BERANI KAH KITA MENJAWAB TUHAN. Adakah kamu takut masuk ke penjara>? Berani kah kita Dipakai oleh Tuhan?? Pada sesiapa yang membaca blog ini.. BERANI KAH KAMU DIPAKAI OLAH TUHAN. Berani kah kamu di pakai oleh Tuhan untuk menjadi TUBUH di Negara mu mahu pun di negeri mu. JANGAN BIARKAN MIMPI YANG DI TANAM KAN DI HIDUP MU TIDAK BERTUMBUH.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
“membayangkan yang tidak terbayang”, kita perlu imagine untuk menolang kita melangkah untuk mencapai semua janji yang Tuhan berikan kepada kita. Nuh belum pernah mengetauhi seperti apa Bahtera itu, tanpa kemampuan untuk membayangkannya, dia tidak pernah mampu membangunnya.
Dunia pada era globalisasi ini terdapat pelbagai alat canggih, modern, dan sebagainya..
Dengan wujudnya modenasi di dunia kita.. wujudlah ke sombongan dan keegohan di setiap individu atau pun Negara tersebut..
Tetapi pernahkah kita fakir tentang sesuatu yang tidak perna difikir oleh pencipta-pencipta yang bergitu popular di serata dunia? Contohnya, mencipta suatu alat yang boleh membawa seseorang ke suatu tempat yang berlainan.. dan sebagainya…
Adakah ia pernah wujud dalam Fikiran kita?
Dalam perjanjian lama sendiri telah membuktikan bahawa mimpi kita adalah salah satu yang amat penting dalam hidup kita. Dalam buku KEJADIAN 15 mengatakan seperti ini Abram dah bergitu tua dan keluarganya tidak mempunyai anak dan keluarga itu memerlukan seorang anak, tetapi pada masa itu mungkin masa Abram menerima anaknya mungkin belum sampai.. ketika itu Tuhan berasa simpati terhadap Abram dan Tuhan memberinya suatu mimpi, dimana Tuhan membawa Abram keluar dari rumahnya dan memberitahu Abram untuk melihat bintang di langit dan Tuhan menyeru Abram untuk mengira bintang. Selepas sahaja Abram telah mengiranya lalu Tuhan bersabda “ itulah anak mu”,
Denag Mimpi tersebut. Abram telah mempunyai begitu ramai anak. Lalu Abram menjadi Ketua bagi genarasi itu.. LUAR BIASA!! Tuhan kita..
Walau bagaimana pun, kita selalu mengatakan kita TAKUT sebab Tuhan kita menabur di tempat yang tidak patut dan menuai di tempat yang tidak patut di tuai.. ini di sebab
Seperti Yesus membuktikan bahawa di setiap orang di dalam dunia Di beri Benih yang Bergitu berpotensi tinggi. Tetapi di atas sebab OUR PASS benih yang baik itu tidak bertumbuh, ataupun ia tumbuh tetapi tidak akan menjadi tumbuhan yang bergitu Subur.
Maksudnya ini, jaka hati kita yang bergitu keras, banyak batu yang menghalang benih itu, maka itu la menyebah
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The Holy of Holies and the Veil has been torn by JESUS when He said When He said that it is done
Chords : At The Cross : http://deetee.files.wordpress.com/2006/08/at-the-cross.doc
At The Cross (Key E)
Verse 1:
Oh Lord You’ve searched me,
You know my way;
Even when I fail You,
I know You love me.
Your holy presence
Surrounding me
In every season,
I know You love me;
I know You love me.
At the cross I bow my knee,
Where Your blood was shed for me,
There’s no greater love than this.
You have overcome the grave,
Your glory fills the highest place,
What can separate me now?
Verse 2:
You go before me,
You shield my way,
Your hand upholds me;
I know You love me.
And when the earth fades,
Falls from my eyes,
And You stand before me,
I know You love me;
I know You love me.
You tore the veil, You made a way
When You said that it is done.
Within the Holy Place of the tabernacle, there was an inner room called the Holy of Holies, or the Most Holy Place. Judging from its name, we can see that it was a most sacred room, a place no ordinary person could enter. It was God’s special dwelling place in the midst of His people. During the Israelites’ wanderings in the wilderness, God appeared as a pillar of cloud or fire in and above the Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies was a perfect cube — its length, width and height were all equal to 15 feet.
A thick curtain separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place. This curtain, known as the “veil,” was made of fine linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn. There were figures of cherubim (angels) embroidered onto it. Cherubim, spirits who serve God, were in the presence of God to demonstrate His almighty power and majesty. They also guarded the throne of God. These cherubim were also on the innermost layer of covering of the tent. If one looked upward, they would see the cherubim figures.
The word “veil” in Hebrew means a screen, divider or separator that hides. What was this curtain hiding? Essentially, it was shielding a holy God from sinful man. Whoever entered into the Holy of Holies was entering the very presence of God. In fact, anyone except the high priest who entered the Holy of Holies would die. Even the high priest, God’s chosen mediator with His people, could only pass through the veil and enter this sacred dwelling once a year, on a prescribed day called the Day of Atonement.
The picture of the veil was that of a barrier between man and God, showing man that the holiness of God could not be trifled with. God’s eyes are too pure to look on evil and He can tolerate no sin (Habakkuk 1:13). The veil was a barrier to make sure that man could not carelessly and irreverently enter into God’s awesome presence. Even as the high priest entered the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement, he had to make some meticulous preparations: He had to wash himself, put on special clothing, bring burning incense to let the smoke cover his eyes from a direct view of God, and bring blood with him to make atonement for sins.
“But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance.” (Hebrews 9:7)
So the presence of God remained shielded from man behind a thick curtain during the history of Israel. However, Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross changed that. When He died, the curtain in the Jerusalem temple was torn in half, from the top to the bottom. Only God could have carried out such an incredible feat because the veil was too high for human hands to have reached it, and too thick to have torn it. (The Jerusalem temple, a replica of the wilderness tabernacle, had a curtain that was about 60 feet in height, 30 feet in width and four inches thick.) Furthermore, it was torn from top down, meaning this act must have come from above.
As the veil was torn, the Holy of Holies was exposed. God’s presence was now accessible to all. Shocking as this may have been to the priests ministering in the temple that day, it is indeed good news to us as believers, because we know that Jesus’ death has atoned for our sins and made us right before God. The torn veil illustrated Jesus’ body broken for us, opening the way for us to come to God. As Jesus cried out “It is finished!” on the cross, He was indeed proclaiming that God’s redemptive plan was now complete. The age of animal offerings was over. The ultimate offering had been sacrificed.
We can now boldly enter into God’s presence, “the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf.” (Hebrews 6:19-20)
“Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body …let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith.” (Hebrews 10:19-22)
The Holy of Holies is a representation of heaven itself, God’s dwelling place, which we have access now through Christ. In Revelations, John’s vision of heaven — the New Jerusalem — also was a perfect square, just as the Holy of Holies was (Revelation 21:16).
“For Christ did not enter a man-made sanctuary that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence. Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. …But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself.” (Hebrews 9:24-26)..
We have open access to God
Every believer of the Lord Jesus Christ may now enter in as priests interceding on behalf of a lost world. Every obstruction to an intimate love relationship with God has been removed once for all. It has been eternally removed for all who will believe on Jesus Christ as their Savior.
The rent veil in the Temple was a symbol of the rent body of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The veil of His body was torn. The curtain is the way into the Most Holy Place where God dwells in heaven (Hebrews 10:19-20). Heaven is opened up for all who take refuge in Jesus Christ (4:16).
The untorn veil reminds us of God’s holiness which separates the sinner from His presence. It reminds us of His wrath which opposes sin. No sinner can approach God because God cannot tolerate sin. What is the solution? The blood of Jesus Christ covers all our sins. The cross of Jesus is our only way of acceptance with God.
No one can escape the dark reality of sin. Everywhere I travel in the world I see the effects of the ravages of sin and depravity. But I also see the effects of the grace of God in the lives of individuals who have turned to the Savior. There are no barriers to keep men and women, boys and girls from coming to the torn veil and receiving the free gift of eternal life.
Melanchthon, the friend of Martin Luther said, “Faith alone in the mercy and grace of God in Jesus Christ is our righteousness.” Indeed, Christ is my righteousness.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Your Love Liberates Me
Unbound - let freedom ring
Your love set me free
A life renewed, a life redeemed
Capture all of me
My heart beats for your passion
Set apart by your liberation
I dwell in You
Apart from You, I am lost again
Where does my help come from?
What can man do to me?
Your love liberates me
I will not fall away
I have chosen to die
In your liberation
Love's Plea
You make me wanna be
not my self
I've given up identities
To love you the best way I know how
Understand that I'm different
than those so-called men you've tried out
This time, it's different
Let me be
The one who brings the stars
To the forefront of your iris and
let me be the one who can turn
your pain into pleasure
And not in the bedroom
I don't want to be another notch
On your bedpost
I hope this is the day
Your eyes open and see
Not ever guy is the same
Not ever guy is me
I am willing to come to your reality
Greet you with a smile and a kiss
And change your world
There's so much more than this
You Alone
What am I afraid of?
Giants in this place
Encompass my every space
But I won't take their word for it
When they say I'm alone
I find refuge under your sovereignty
Awaiting me to call for You
I've been given a second chance
Will I capture the moment or just take
a real quick glance?
I want to graduate from the minor leagues
Not be known for what I can't do,
but for what I can achieve
You alone are love
I'm stepping on giants
I'm not afraid of
Let Go And Let God
Let go, Let God
Have you ever come to a point
and thought to yourself
just a bit more
and you'll soon see the light
In the pitch darkness
you cry out loud to the all four walls
yet all you get was just silence
you pressed on still just trying to get a glimpse of light
Tears flow down the side of your cheeks
the only thing you ever felt warm on you
your heart grew cold
your mind only ever thought that what you did was wrong
Alone in the deafening silence
alone in the blinding darkness
who could you turn to
who would even listen
All of a sudden you thought of Him
someone you don’t even know who really existed
in your memory
He was just a Man
A man someone in your class called friend
A man your parents called their Lord Saviour
A man who had Christmas as a birthday day
A man you know who hung on the cross
In the longing for a ear
in the longing for a shoulder
won't you just call out to Him
Jesus, Someone who is always there
A son of God
Who walks the earth
Touching lives of many
Who finally shed His blood for eternity
Many Many years later
this covenant still stands through
He died on the cross
for your sins and mine
Diseases and infirmities
He took with Him
setting free the oppressed
He opened us to Him
Would you have called out to Him earlier
if you truly know He is your Saviour
Nothing you've done He would not forgive
when you really believe
His love will warm up your heart
His hand will pick you up
Let go of all pain n guilt
and in Him you'll be new once again
If scars could speak
I wonder what they’d say
Maybe tell you of hurts
Maybe tell you of pain
Some scars we can see
Visible to the naked eye
Others are kept inside
Only known to you and I
But this one guy
Way back when
Was covered with scars
Both inside and out
He was beaten beyond recognition
He carried so much pain with him
But if it wasn’t for what he had done
Then none of us would be around
If his scars could speak
They could tell a story
A story of triumph and pain
That is still prevalent today
A story about a man
Who cared so much
That he layed down his life
For us to have life
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Actors VS Doers
Jesus deliberately said to the Phareses that their lives are like cleaning the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. And like whitewashed tombs which appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
The greatest hindrance for the Phareses to live out their lives as “a new creation” in Christ is their hypocracy. They are smart when it comes to teaching about the scripture, but they cannot do what they teach. They are called hypocrites, or in our daily lives today, we call them actors.
Only through a genuine repentance, Christ’s transformation can work in each of our lives, so we can show the real image of Christ in and through us. It is also true for the church as a corporate. God wants to show His true image through His church so His image will be manifested through us.
Living as actors will hinder us to live our “new man” life!
The New Creation are the Doers of the Word of God, not just Actors!!!
Don't Ride It, Drive It!
So is life.
I have learnt that our life is built by our decisions in the past. We decided whether we are going to make our own decision for our life, or let someone else do it for us.
Are we DRIVING our life, or just RIDING it?
As leaders we are called to drive, not just our own life, but also others'. We are not suppose to adjust ourselves to our condition, instead we are called to bring changes.
Romans 12:2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
For example, the world mindset says being honest in the business will bring you failure. Our drive should be keeping the honesty, and not only surviving the business, but be successful in it. Another common world mindset (esp. in Asia) is offering a "special entertainment" for customers for shortcuts. Our drive should be building a strong relationship with customers with integrity.
How can we drive well?1. It all starts with a vision"If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind." Lucius AnnaeusA sailing ship can travel windward or off-wind, and the sail is only opened when the wind is blowing in the same direction with the ship's destination. How does the sailor know when to open or close the sail if he doesn't know where he is heading? All wind direction can be a ‘good' wind. The wind speaks of ‘opportunities'. There are so many opportunities in our lives that seem ‘good', but we have to understand that not every opportunity is ours to take. A man without a vision will find it difficult to determine which opportunity is his and which is isn't. Choosing the wrong opportunity means wasting of time, money and energy."By seeing today, you can see God's hand in the past. By seeing the future, you can see God's hand today."
2. Respond to change for improvementsTransformation is a process. God will give us the best, so don't settle for less.The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)Be patient, until you are ready. There is a qualification to be met for your calling. Unless it is met, you will not get it. It took the Israelites from 40 days to 40 years to go to the promised land. Transformation often happens through difficulties. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he ahs given us. Romans 5:3-5Too often we prefer shortcuts without realizing that the patter that we see is a process: sufferings > perseverance > character > hopeWhen we're in affliction, we cry out so that God will take us out from our trials without trying to persevere in it, or even worse complaining about the situations. This kind of attitude cannot bring hope and growth.
3. Don't deny the fact. Face it and rejoice in it.No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Cor 10:13Here are the facts:God's promise: And the LORD will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath. Deut 28:13.When our life is getting bigger, our capacity with increase automatically, so will our strength because God will not allow temptations to be greater than our strength. So when we realize we are stronger, that can mean our temptations and trials will be greater. What then can you do? REJOICE!!The good news is, through these trials, if we decide to persevere we will be transformed, then the hope of God will come, and we will go up another level. In the next level we will go through the same trial process, and if we decide to persevere we will go up another level again. Then we can look back and see how we have been transformed and have become the head an not the tail.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Fil 4: 12 (NIV)So, whether living wealthy or not is not determined by our surrounding, but by our own heart.How did Paul discover this secret? The answer is through process.
If we go back to the elephant illustration; it might look impossible for a man to control a big elephant, instead the big elephant can easily control the man on its top. But there's a secret to it. In one of the tourist places in Thailand, an elephant trainer will flick the elephant's left ear if he wants the elephant to go to the right, and the right ear to go to the left.
There's a secret to drive your life, and it will be revealed through process
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Indeed its true my Love for you is free to flow for you to see and all to know.
Youthful days like yesterday have blessed our paths today.
As you sleep, sometimes I weep for who we are today.
A WIFE! A friend for life. A Friend-A friend until the end, a lover
Like no other. A Mother to Love, A Healer, a Beauty and a Leader.
You are like a Rare flower for all to see. The Gardener is so proud to see His creation as She was Intended to be.
You are my perfect [wifes name]-whose name brings birds to cheep, so gentle her words lay reason to weep; Soothing for a restless mind. You are the reason why men would travel the world to meet one so pure of heart. Being with you my love is like a fresh breeze that contains the mysteries of our Love. You are adorned by Grace: Silk and Lace flow as a Queen would have from the shoulders of Her-Who would carry the weight of the world for the ones she loves.
You are like a perfect crystal hit by the rays of Love from He above. As I sit and think of you; You lead me, show Me and encourage me to be the man I was intended to be. You are my Eve. You my love. I without you would be An empty shell, that is why every minute, every moment-NOW! Just then...Is the driving force for my health and Driving force to keep going, however frustrating it can be at times to live with me.
When you smile at me I feel alive,
When you touch me, my heart dives.
Those certain looks, that I only know,
The way you move, the way you glow.
I love the way you look at life and how you present to it. You keep my thoughts straight. You mean so much to Me. I could write about you constantly with ease. I wish I could please you all the time. You are my earthly Strength. You are the one I lean on when I cannot go further by myself. I am glad you know me. I feel so much Honour to know you. There are no comparisons when it is you.
Your Beauty is your own
Nothing can compare
Radiant smile, shining face,
Exhorting Love, living grace...
I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'."
I'm whispering "I was lost,
Now I'm found and forgiven."
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
And need His strength to carry on.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
Who received God's good grace, somehow!
Share this with somebody who already has this understanding, as reinforcement. But more importantly, share this with those who do not have a clear understanding of what it means to be a Christian, so that the myth that Christians think they are "perfect" or "better than others"can be dispelled
Sunday, February 3, 2008
It takes a mess of a man and shows him there is freedom.
It embraces the sluts and the "least of these" and lets them know "there is so much more".
You love Jesus. really?
You love Jesus, but you don't love the unloved, you frown upon the poor in character,
your vocabulary is worse than "urban", and the way you treat people, your parents, your boyfriend/girlfriend, would make even the most wretched at heart quiver.
No, my friend, you don't love Jesus.
You are starving Him. You have alot to learn.
Young ladies have us to blame for shaping who they are, gentleman (if any of us deserve that title).
We may not deserve all the blame, but at least part of it.
I hope there's something we can all do in our own lives that can show female humanity that their beauty has never left them and it can never be taken away.
You were born gorgeous.
And no one - no boyfriend, no father, no brother, no teacher, no act of any kind- can take away your "born gorgeous".
Isn't it sad that "love" and "sex" have become interchangeable words?
Even though they really don't have anything to do with each other.
Love isn't defined by sex and just b/c you love someone doesn't mean that there has to be sex involved.
Sex can ruin your life, instead of being a blessing to it.
And if you are under 20 years old, I doubt you even know what love means.
Do you really? Lust and love aren't synonyms, they're antonyms.
Ladies, not all guys are the same.
If I say, "I love you", that doesn't mean I wanna get in your pants,
that means I really do love you.
Society has gotten you to think otherwise.
We can blame shows like Sex and The City for that.
I know you're broken, alone, but you can't find anything to aid in your healing.
To stop the crying.
The question isn't a "why?" question, but a "where?" question: "Where have you been looking?"
Redemption and fulfillment, that is, finding your sense of purpose, isn't far away.
You may just not be looking hard enough. Or ignoring it altogether, afraid of what you might find. Even if it will save you.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
5 Things To Avoid
1. The Spirit Of Religiousity (Acts 17:22)
2. The Spirit Of Idolatry
3. The spirit of ignorance (Acts 17:23)
4. Temples built by human hands (Acts 17: 24)
5. Serving God with human standards (Acts 17:25)
Paul said that while he preached the Gospel he was in fact serving God in his spirit (Rom 1:9). God’s standard of ministry is always found first in the heart of man before action. God will not be served when it is being done without the heart. Life and ministry of God’s Kingdom is always an outflow from the innermost being (Jn 7:38).
These are the five diseases that the Church needs to avoid as we begin reaching out and impacting our City for our God.

this is what i learn from Glory Christian center.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Best Thing Ever
That you are mine
And I am yours
Like poetry, our life story
Intertwines, like the finest of tapestries
If life could have been this good years ago
Maybe things would be diffeernt now
But who knows but Him
And right now I'm grateful
That this embrace
Our hands clasped firm together
Let this last forever
How could I be sad
With your pretty smile
And your eyes lighting up
The night sky
God, You amaze me
How You've blessed me
Is she really a part of my life
Or am I dreaming again?
Lips of an angel and tears of a saint
This love will last forever
Only the Divine can pull us away
This is the best thing ever
Next to finding my salvation, that great day
How could I ask for anything better
When I have the best thing ever
Town without water
However, one of life’s most crucial commodities is now seriously in short supply: water. Despite today rain in the city, very little fell in this area’s catchment and its local storage could run dry in a couple of months unless the rain god smiles.
Despite the veneer of green that is now over the paddocks, one town, Penampang, is having to bring in all its water by truck. Communities and businesses are under unexpected pressure as one of life’s basics runs out.
Most backyard swimming pools have been reduced to puddles of green slime, with neighbours pitted against each other while authorities patrol for water cheats. People whose lawns were green before the recent rain found themselves having to provide an explanation. To head off potential hubris, they put up signs that their garden had been maintained by grey water or tank rainwater.The local council reports fist fights breaking out around some groundwater bores. The bores were provided for stock or garden watering, but people find themselves squabbling over lengthy delays as they wait in line to fill tankers.
The City is Victoria’s second-fastest growing area outside Penampang and some householders who have only recently moved in are calling for a ban on further building until the situation improves.
As Sabahan face the likelihood of level two restrictions, these people are already on what Penampang Valley Water designates level 10. This is the highest level, the equivalent of level four on the scale used by Kota kinabalu Water.
“These restrictions are really difficult to manage. It is particularly hard to get through to some of the city people who have moved up here. They might now be living in the country but their minds are still in Malaysia.”
It mimics the sound of my tattered heart
Painfully it plays its notes
Forced to obey, Just to steal away
One last shimmer of hope in the way
The pain locked away
Out of time, Its breaks away
Music flows through its golden veins
A solemn sound, when ones alone
Can hear this beautiful melody of one
It moves him to tears, A tune of sorrow
The widows song, A broken melody of one
Breaking down
Alone, all alone
His hands bear the scars
His eyes tell the tale of tommorow
He longs to feel again
He longs for something more than this
Something more than this
Lifes like a tragic play
But theres no sense any more
Im open for you to see
This is my misery
A solemn song of rejection
Death of a loved one
Will the pain ever go away
Until it is time, i shall play
The horizon, she once longed to see
The sun rise beyond
The sea of love
For that breif glimpse
Of that ship on the waves
Then the clouds consume the light
Now its just a sea of salty tears and broken souls
Maybe it was Poseidon that cried
When he found that his wife had died
The Oceans filled with whats left
Of the fractured souls of sailor's death
And his life, to hold them all at bay.
Against the weak, meek
and Corrupted
Lies a suffering soul
That wishes to depart
From the lives that holds
Double barred
He waits
Till death does he part
To meet again
With his ultimate fate.
Endless Battle
My desires of this craving beast, is never full in till it eats, and when it dose, i feel stick to my stomach in the moment after. There is no end to this pleading moment, once so desired in the moment of passion, is now despised after in the moment of reckoning.
Sin hunts me down in till it is full, There is nothing else I can think about, till the beast is full. Roaring like a lion, roaming around till it feasts, is there anything, anyone can do to tame the ferocious beast?
My soul is so weak, my mind, will, and emotions rain over me. My thoughts are my own, my actions are my very own doing, because I give in and listen to the beast with two horns and a strangling tail.
This machine before me that opens my gates to the endless world of venom and deceit. The machine that can do so much good for me, becomes my very enemy, Do i wish, or do I dear to take the plug from the very thing that brings me into the information world? There must be an other way, for this machine isn't the problem, its what lies beneath.
The dungeon is deep, no way up. I can't even see the light anymore. I just sit here alone thinking what I have done. Is there anyone that can hear me, to save me from the beast that takes my very soul away.
O spirit man, O spirit man, where did you go? I remember you fighting to save my soul, why are you sitting down, and not even standing up anymore, are you so weak to fight for me anymore? I remember the days you where strong, that you wouldn't give up when the battle was so strong. You wouldn't back down for nothing, not even in the heat of the fight. Power ruled in your favor, your sword held high, and your enemy dead on the ground, what ever happen to you, the power is no more. You walked away from me the very same day I walked away from Jesus.
Fight for me once more, cause I want to return to Jesus, my savior, my friend, helper, guardian, light of my life, healer, protector, help me once again, to help me off this floor. I am so deep, but i know your hand can reach me. I know no matter how deep I get, your arm is not too short. Now let me return to your ways, and call on your name, let me pick up my sword once again, and let my spirit man rise to battle once again, Fight for me again! Rise and claim your prize! You take power over my soul and put him in it's place. You put him in the jail cell where you once belonged. Now that Jesus is ruler and rain over me. Sin is dead to me. The beast that once tormented me, is slain, its head cut off, and its body burned. We sit on the thrown once again, for the prodigal son has returned to his father.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Anthem of White Flags
Was I so blind that I could not see
How could I blame you, it was all me
You said stop, I said go
If only I knew then
That there was so much more than this
This is my anthem
Anthem of white flags
I'm on my knees, on my knees
But I still don't feel low enough
This is where I stop when You say stop
Where I surrender and say no more
Like I would no more than You
The One who did all things well
Yet I'm the one who fell
This is my worship
How could I be so stupid
And wonder around this world
As filthy rags
When all I need was redemption so sweet
Like honey on my lips
Like water, but thirsty no more
If it took me this long to sing of Your song
Cuz I was basically running in place
I promise to find joy in the pain
Since I brought disobedience, even though I claimed Your name
This are my white flags
I wave them high
And yes world, these are tears
Coming from my eyes
And if you laugh at me, I thank you
It gives me just another reason to go on
Just another reason to love you like the Savior did
And still does
And while waving my white flags
I want to tell you why I'm surrendering to Love
Yes, Love
But nothing that you've ever seen or felt on earth before
What do media mean to youth? What do youth want from media?
media is so much, from the news on tv, the comedic television, magazines, internet etc.
what does media mean to youth? well, has it taken an official meaning on by them? i dont think so, but, they are aware as they grow older, as to what goes on, and learn to listen to both sides of stories in the coming day and age, and more and more worldwide events are placed in their thoughts, eg, war in Iraq, global warming etc.
what do youth want from media? i don't think the younger generation has really thought about what they want to hear, and how they like to hear it. but issues that would concern them, the truth in an interesting form, so that the news doesn't apply to the older generations, but the young ones as well. The information received, really just has to be presented well, and in terms and words that can be understood better.
im writing what ive said from my point of view, as im still a youngin.
GMB The Best Is Yet To come 2007
02. Hebat
03. Nyatakanlah
04. Kuterpaku
05. Sampai
06. The Best Is Yet To Come
07. Praise To Our God
08. Pujian yang Mulia
09. My GOd You Are My God
10. Kaulah Tuhan
11. Crash and Burn
12. Lost (Bonus Track)
Download Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BMLJKYEL
Album: Atmosphere (English version and malay version)

01. Salvation Be To Our God
02. Changed My World
03. Resonate
04. Eternally
05. Teach Me to Rest in You
06. Have Your Way
07. Sound of Praise
08. Atmosphere
09. Testify
10. Abide
11. Your Name Alone
12. Changed My Wolrd (reprise)
Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/58919255/Atmosphere-English_version.rar
01. Tiba Saatnya
02. Sungguh Kau
03. Semuanya DariMu
04. Tak Pernah Berubah
05. Ajarku Berdiam
06. Mengejar HadirMu
07. Kini Saatnya Kudatang
08. Atmosphere
09. Tabir DiriMU
10. Engkau Didalamku
11. Tiada SepertiMu
Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/65893062/Atmosphere.rar
GMB(Giving My Best) - Life Is Calling (2007)

Latest album from Giving My Best (GMB)
Sidney Mohede, Pongky Prasetyo, Daniel Sigarlaki, Amos Tjahyadi, Adi Prasodjo, Jeffry Hermanto
01. Sedalamnya
02. Kudengar SuaraMu
03. Kudus
04. Your Love
05. Life Is Calling
06. Burn
07. How I Love You
08. Kau Berkuasa
09. Selama Kuhidup
10. I?m Calling
11. Holy
Who You Are 2006
Everyone Overcome 2007

2.Light Of Salvation
3.I Know
4.Taking Over Now
5.Counting On God
7.Maker Of Heaven
8.Pleasing To You
9.Good To Me
10.Open Your Eyes
11.Coming Your Way
12.I Will Go
13.Bonus: My Savior Lives - Radio Version
download: http://www.uploading.com/ru/files/3BPKDA9V/Desperation_Band___Everyone_Overcome.rar.html
Free To Worship

1. Everywhere That I Go
2. Still Standing
3. Free to Worship
4. Always Welcome
5. It is Well / At the Cross / Mighty to Save (medley)
6. We Have Overcome
7. Turn it Around uploaded
8. Love So Amazing
9. Your Love
10. Say So
11. Favor
Monday, January 14, 2008
Tell the world Album

01 - My Number One
02 - Tell The World
03 - My Redeemer Lives
04 - Light Of The World
05 - You're The Answer
06 - Yours Alone
07 - I Wanted The World To Know
08 - Forever
09 - Power In Your Name
10 - God So Loved
11 - Lean On You
12 - I'm Not Ashamed
common mistakes in the church..

In short, God's plan for the original church was concerned more with the heart and growth in Christ than in formal, corporate government. Isaiah made it clear that, since the beginning of time, God has been more interested in the state of the heart than orthodoxy:
The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men. Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish." Isaiah 29:13-14
This theme is also present in Psalm 40:6-8, cited in the New Testament:
First he said, "Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them" (although the law required them to be made). 9 Then he said, "Here I am, I have come to do your will." He sets aside the first to establish the second. Hebrews 10:8
So if the church didn't function as an establishment, how did they operate? The original church lacked the corporate ownership of any property and insisted on meeting in homes (Col 4:15, Phm 1:2, 1 Cor 16:9, Acts 2:46) and on public property (Acts 2:46, 5:12). They clearly had the financial resources, and even the land, to build a dedicated facility (Acts 4:34-37). With 5,000+ men in the church early on, and people being added daily to their numbers, it would have made sense to us, today at least, to build a mega-church - but this didn't happen.
Some argue this was because of persecution, but persecution would not begin until the stoning of Stephen much later, and at this point in history, the church was very well respected and even revered by the community (Acts 5:13-16). In spite of this, there is no record of abandoning home churches or public gatherings for a dedicated facility during the time of the original apostles. Perhaps they were too busy preaching the gospel to be concerned about a building project, or perhaps they continued meeting in public venues so they could be among the people. All we know is that they had resources and opportunity, but remained a non-entity.
In fact, the apostles had already learned that the Kingdom of God wasn't about building out infrastructure long before there even was a church. The first building program on record started and ended with Peter, whom God Himself abruptly shut up while babbling on about building shelters for Moses and Elijah at the transfiguration (Mat. 17:4). A pastor I know once commented on this event saying, "it seems that every time there's a move of God, someone wants to start a building program". It's interesting to consider that the church was founded upon Peter, who, after that experience, would have been the least likely to build the church out as an organization.