Saturday, October 25, 2008

Looking up

It doesn?t matter who you are
It doesn?t matter who you can be
You will always be looking up
While you will be looking down
If your famous, or not

Someone?s looking up at you
And you?re looking up someone else
You?re a leader, but you?re also a follower
Your inspiration comes from many
You admire people from afar
And many admire you

Many people have developed you over time
Countless hours, spending time
He has made you ready to be one for people to look up to you
No matter how high you get
You will always be looking up

Your wisdom is great
Your revelation is awesome
It?s his power that you seek
But more important his Face
But it?s hard to maintain
Once you decide that you?re good enough

But we know that?s not the case
A pure heart, a simple mind
But they confound the wise
Looking up, putting effort into it
Just so you can reach the next level

Lead us and show us the way
Because when I know I am following you
You have showed us the way
One day I hope to be like you in many ways
Right now I am looking up at you

But one day when I reach the level
I don?t want to be looking up or looking down
I hope to be on the same playing fields as you
Eye to eye is want I want to see
Reaching the destiny of the church
To see his Kingdom come
When Heaven invades Earth

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